I’m officially an Adult….


Feeling overwhelmed? Don't fret. I've got your back.
I can help you develop the skills, confidence, and mindset needed to navigate the complexities of adulthood and achieve your goals.

Heather Redisch Adulting expert

Heather Redisch

Adulting expert

What do I teach on Adulting101™

It’s time to grow on your own. Let’s DO this!

Meet Heather,

I have worked with thousands of recent grads.  I have coached them on all things related to job searching,  interviewing, and negotiating.  Working in-house not only allowed me to prepare candidates before accepting an offer, but also to manage their career expectations once they joined the company. 

your adulting coach

Hear What They Said

Heather’s expertise is a guiding light in the hazy transition to adult life. From LinkedIn strategy to resume and interview tips to navigating how to finance newfound freedom, she is an indispensable resource across a spectrum of college to postgrad challenges. If you’re looking for the support to survive and thrive through the growing pains of making it in the real world— you’re not alone, and Heather has the wisdom, strategy, and actionable advice to show you the way.

—Carissa A.